Thursday, February 27, 2020

Human Infections in the Year 2009 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Human Infections in the Year 2009 - Essay Example These impacts could range from just interfering to the normal metabolic functions of the host organisms to the instant cause of death to the host. There are many types of infection in the human contexts such as parasitic, bacterial, or viral infections. Many of these infections caused many human lives throughout the ages. From the bubonic plague to the acquired immune deficiency syndrome, infections played an important involvement in humans' history, religion, and evolution. The breakthrough of the microscope gave way to the discovery of microorganisms. There are two types of cell that could be found in the living world, the prokaryotic and the eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells are primarily characterized by the absence of nuclear membrane within the cell while eukaryotic cells have nuclear membrane that separates the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from the other organelles in the cytoplasm of the cell. Bacteria are microorganisms believed to be the first life forms on earth. Prokaryotes could be eubacteria or true bacteria, or archaebacteria. The difference between eubacteria and archaebacteria are the absence of muramic acid in the cell wall of archaebacteria, the presence of ester linkage between lipids in eubacterial cell membrane and ether linkage in archaebacteria, the different structural types of ribonucleic acid (RNA) polymerase present between the two, the resistance of archaebacteria to chloramphenicol, streptomycin, and kanamycin, and the hig h tolerance of archaebacteria to strive in extreme physico-chemical factors of environments such as hot or cold temperature, high salinity, and others as compared to eubacteria. Furthermore, some other differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes are the presence of cell wall in most prokaryotes which is composed of mucopeptide, and polysaccharide protein, while, most eukaryotic cell wall is polysaccharide. The absence of mitochondria and chloroplast organelle in prokaryotes is also observed. The presence of plasmids- a circular extra-chromosomal double stranded DNA capable of self replicating and could transfer genetic information to nuclear DNA for the cellular survival- in prokaryotes is commonly observed although some eukaryotes could have plasmids, the occurrences are very rare. The ability of prokaryotes to reduce sulfur, fix atmospheric nitrogen to N2, produce their own food with the utilization of inorganic nutrients, and the ability to store poly-B-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) is detected (Pandolfi et al. 2007). Among the infections known to science, the bacterial infections are the most common. Different kinds of diseases are caused by different kinds of bacteria. Eubacteria or true bacteria or simply bacteria could be classified into groups through their shapes, sizes and staining technique used to view them. There are six basis of classifying bacteria. These are shape, Gram reaction, atmosphere, spores, biochemistry, and serology test. Bacterial shape could be cocci, spiral, or bacilli. Cocci are spherical, bacilli are long and thin shape, and spiral could vary in wavelength and curve. On the other hand, classifying bacteria through Gram reaction is based on its cell wall properties. The Gram reaction could result to Gram-negative or

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Case of Sarver Elementary School Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The of Sarver Elementary School - Case Study Example At the final decision, Caine went against his commitment and voted for closing Sarver while Davis and Ebel adhered to their commitments and supported the Committee. The votes were in the 3-2 ratio, supporting the decision of closing Sarver. Amelia Stone, Committee’s member alleged the board for several issues such as rejection of Committee’s report without any consideration, violation of Sunshine Law and bypassing contractual commitment of Caine in support of Sarver Elementary School. After noticing all the situation and issues, it is quite clear that both sides conducted studies for coming up on a conclusion regarding the closing of Sarver Elementary School. However, it is quite clear that the whole board is not ready to close the school. The Committee is interested in closing Miller School because this school can be converted into a business setup while Sarver Elementary School has chances of future growth. There were professionals on both sides for considering the issue of closing Sarver School. Caine has promised in black and white to support the Committee’s decision by voting against closing Sarver Elementary School but he has not fulfilled his promise and has voted against his consent. Therefore, the vote placed by Caine should be ignored. After this, the voting will be in a ratio of 2-2. Looking at this situation, it is quite clear that Citizen’s Task Force and â€Å"Save Sarver† Committee have to reconsider their decisions. They should sit with another in order to come to a solution. The voting process should be there again in order to know about the new situation. Dr. Connie Kniving has just seen one side of the situation and has rejected all the efforts of â€Å"Save Sarver† Committee preferring the decision of Citizen’s Task Force. He has to keep proper attention to both the reports submitted by the Task Force and the Committee in order to come to a conclusion regarding the closing of Sarver Elementary School.