Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Positive Thinking and Its Power

POSITIVE THINKING and ITS POWER Positive reasoning is a psychological mentality that concedes into the brain, musings, words and pictures that are conductive to development, extension and achievement. It is a psychological mentality that anticipates great and good outcomes. A positive psyche foresees bliss, delight, wellbeing and a fruitful result of each circumstance and activity. Whatever the brain expects, it finds. Not every person acknowledges or has faith in constructive reasoning. Some think about the subject as simply babble, and others laugh at individuals who accept and acknowledge it.Among the individuals who acknowledge it, relatively few expertise to utilize it adequately to get results. However, it appears that many are turning out to be pulled in to this subject, as prove by the numerous books, talks and courses about it. This is a subject that is picking up fame. It is very normal to hear individuals state: â€Å"Think positive! † to somebody who feels down and stressed. The vast majority don't pay attention to these words, as they don't have a clue what they truly mean, or don't think about them as valuable and effectiveWhen the mentality is sure we engage lovely sentiments and productive pictures, and find in our inner consciousness what we truly need to occur. This carries brilliance to the eyes, more vitality and joy. The entire being communicates cooperative attitude, satisfaction and achievement. We walk tall and the voice is all the more remarkable. Our non-verbal communication shows the manner in which you feel inside. So as to turn the psyche toward the positive, inward work and preparing are required. Disposition and musings don't change for the time being. Consider its advantages and convince yourself to attempt it.The intensity of musings is a relentless force that is continually molding our life. This molding is normally done subliminally, however it is conceivable to make the procedure a cognizant one. Regardless of whether the thought appears to be unusual check out it, as you don't have anything to lose, yet just to pick up. Disregard what others may state or think about you, in the event that they find that you are changing the manner in which you think. Continuously imagine just good and gainful circumstances. Utilize positive words in your inward discoursed or when conversing with others.Smile :)))) somewhat more, as this assists with suspecting decidedly. Negligence any sentiments of sluggishness or a craving to stop. In the event that you drive forward, you will change the manner in which your brain thinks. When a negative idea enters your brain, you must know about it and try to supplant it with a helpful one. The negative idea will attempt again to enter your brain, and afterward you need to supplant it again with a positive one. It is as though there are two pictures before you, and you decide to take a gander at one of them and negligence the other.Persistence will in the long run show your brain to think decidedly and overlook negative considerations. In the event that you feel any internal opposition when supplanting negative musings with positive ones, don't surrender, however continue taking a gander at the useful, great and upbeat contemplations in your psyche. So dear companions It truly doesn't make a difference what your conditions are at the present moment†¦. Think decidedly, anticipate just great outcomes and circumstances, and conditions will change as needs be. It might require some investment for the progressions to happen, however in the end they will take place†¦!!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Venlafaxine in Treatment of Depression †Free Samples to Students

Question: Examine about the Venlafaxine in Treatment of Depression. Answer: Presentation In this report, I will talk about give a review of a multi year old male Mr. John Gray, clarifying the explanation behind his affirmation in the emergency clinic, his clinical indications, nursing issues related with his treatment, required nursing care and an assessment of dynamic factors that may help his recuperation following Levett-Jones clinical thinking cycle (Levett-Jones, 2013). In the last area I will think about my gaining from the experience. Mr. John Gray is 28 years of age male and single who had been admitted to the ward seven days back after a scene of self damage. John has a place with the cultivating network, north of Brisbane and his dad is a grazier. He hopes to assume control over the family ranch soon. He is confronting a few issues like wound blemishes on his legs and arms due to bombed self destruction endeavors. He doesn't partake in any exercises the board and is very hesitant to mingle. Along these lines, he has been confessed to treat his downturn. Misery is a condition of scattered state of mind and antipathy for any type of action that influences the wellbeing and prosperity of an individual (Karp, 2016). Mr. Grays ranch seems to have endured an extraordinary arrangement attributable to the current dry season conditions in his locale. He has a rope consume mark on his neck. On assessment it has been discovered that the imprint is a consequence of breaking of a rope, which he apparently used to hang himself. He has a few wound and broken skin on his legs and arms. They have happened because of resulting fall after his endeavor to hang. Be that as it may, he didn't endure any genuine physical wounds. The regions where his skin got broken were secured with a tape and some nonadherent dressing. The word related advisor announced John was hesitant to participate in any individual movement or little gathering games. At the point when I went to present myself, he was lying on the bed with the spreads pulled up high. He would not like to take part in any discussion. At the point when I tended to him, he started to snort and got some distance from me and confronted the divider. On clinical app raisal it was discovered that he had an ordinary circulatory strain of 125/75, respiratory pace of 18 breaths for each moment and an internal heat level of 36.3 C. Respiratory rate is the quantity of breath taken by an individual for each moment. The ordinary grown-up breath rate is12 to 20 breaths for each moment. His heartbeat recording was 66 pulsates every moment. A typical pulse while sitting or unwinding ought to be between 60-100beats every moment. Gloom is commonly delegated a type of basic mental issue. It is described by loss of intrigue, misery, low self-esteem, blame emotions, loss of hunger, tiredness and absence of focus (Solomon, 2014). John displayed comparative sort of a conduct on his admission to the medical clinic. Studies propose that any type of money related misfortune can go about as a hazard factor and make an individual helpless against burdensome turmoil. For this situation study, Johns ranch has endured colossal monetary misfortune because of dry spell. This money related pressure in the long run realized a feeling of uselessness and a sentiment of despondency in him (Greenberg, 2017). Proof proposes that downturn is one of the significant hazard factors for self destruction. Patients who experience a dream of neediness have a five times higher probability to end it all contrasted with those without such hallucinations the executives. His money related condition is most likely liable for past self destructi on endeavors (Crowe Butterworth, 2016). He had lost hunger. He hesitantly went for lunch on impulse yet ate practically nothing and before long came back to his bed (Sowislo Orth, 2013). The demonstrates that he is experiencing dysthymic issue, which is described by poor confidence, low vitality, poor craving and sentiment of sadness. Distinguish issues or issues John is on a prescription of 75mg venlafaxine two times per day and not exposed to some other drug or psychotherapy. It has been built up that monotherapy isn't adequate to decrease burdensome indications. This is the first issue in quite a while treatment (Vel'tishchev, 2015). He needs a higher portion of the medication related to different prescriptions. Another issue is his dietary pattern. I was educated that he had again skipped breakfast. Studies give proof on the connection between potential changes in craving and food inclination and sadness. John was constrained to go for lunch yet didn't have it. Force taking care of is dubious in such dietary problems. It makes a patient increasingly forceful and fierce. The third issue discovered identified with the contextual investigation was his rehashed self destruction endeavors. Self-destructive ideation emerges from sadness and nonstop dissatisfaction. Ridiculous desires make a few patients resolved to take their life (Riumallo-Her l et al., 2014). The imprint around his neck and the wounds on his body give proof that he has attempted to perpetrate self damage upon himself. Besides, when I went to his space to present myself and manufacture an affinity, he had the spreads pulled up high, snorted and dismissed. A self-destructive propensity can make him endeavor such a self mischief for some other time while being separated in his room and can make destroying results (Shah et al., 2014) Therefore, steady checking should be done to guarantee his security. I endeavored to mull over on a scrutinizing procedure to accomplish a sound comprehension of his issues. I asked myself inquiries like, what was theproblem, how extreme is his psychological sickness and what should be possible to give alleviation. A mental medical attendant is relied upon to recognize likely results explicit for singular patients. A definitive objective was to improve the status of his wellbeing. The results ought to have been commonly and particularly recognized. I needed to decide the productivity of likely helpful intercessions (Gunasekara et al., 2014). Explanation of objectives is a basic advance in the helpful technique. Objectives ought to be estimated in social terms. I needed to sensibly depict the progressions I proposed to achieve inside a time span. I needed to set up transient objectives for his advancement. My momentary objectives were to guarantee that John will come up and take part in little gathering games and individual exercises toward the finish of about fourteen days. I needed to guarantee that he doesn't support self-destructive considerations, the feeling of prosperity gets built up and he begins eating appropriately (Choon et al., 2015). This will include an evaluation of his family and clinical history, the elements liable for the condition and including his family for a superior consideration arrangement. Research contemplates express that a patient taking various classes of antidepressants are probably going to have better forecast. A mix of bupropion (75-400mg every day) with venlafaxin can be utilized as a first line treatment strategy (Laib et al., 2013). Continuous organization of a blend of these two medications will synergistically act to diminish burdensome side effects and will expand social capacity. Psychotherapy and intellectual advising will likewise demonstrate viable (Karyotaki et al., 2016). A preliminary, which included in excess of 400 individuals with wretchedness, found that a blend of these treatments and medicine effectively treated burdensome issue in patients. Intellectual advising, helping him with individual cleanliness and self consideration, starting continuous discussion, urging him to record his emotions on self destruction, teaching him on wretchedness, consistent management on his eating and resting designs and giving a point by point data on the requirement for clinical consistence can help in advancing health. Assess results The treatment plan ought to be redone for him dependent on careful appraisal of his indications and an examination of the reactions and remedial advantages. Thorough essential social insurance administrations are expected to advance ideal emotional well-being in patients. Offering enthusiastic help would guarantee his wellbeing, lessen weakness and increment his trust in the staff (Driessen et al., 2015). Moreover, the utilization bupropion related to venlafaxine can prompt an abrupt increment in pulse and outrageous perspiring. In this manner, there ought to be a consistent checking on his indispensable signs. Besides, a high portion of the two medications may bring down the seizure edge in the patient and increment its event (Furukawa et al., 2014). The dose of the meds ought to be quickly diminished if the patient shows such a scene of seizure. After I thought about the episode, I had the option to fabricate a compatibility with John and take care of his needs. I comprehended that the money related pressure and family obligation made him apprehensive and bothered. He couldn't devise a method of covering the money related misfortune and felt humiliated on his disappointment. This prompted improvement of self-destructive propensities. I additionally acknowledged, on proper mediations like sympathy and enthusiastic help, his confidence was revamped. It became troublesome when he didn't react. I further mirrored that it is important to utilize relational abilities and non verbal boosts (Renner, Cuijpers Huibers, 2014). Blend of the two medications as gained from proof based practice fundamentally brought down his side effects. I discovered that such patients need constant treatment and guiding based help to recuperate. End Misery is a mind-set of aggravation, which is described by distress and trouble happening because of individual catastrophe, money related misfortune or absence of enthusiasm for certain exercises. Giving treatment to a discouraged patient is a critical activity for an enlisted mental medicinal services nurture by and by. This report broke down and thought about the methods I used to evaluate Johns bio-psycho-social needs and the likely treatment objectives that I planned to accomplish. The report additionally expounded on references I increased after broad writing perusing, to explain proof based treatment the executives. Taking everything into account, on utilizing the clinical thinking cycle as a parameter to distinguish the emotional wellness issues, I was capable

Friday, August 21, 2020

Impact of social media on project stake holder management Research Paper

Effect of web-based social networking on venture partner the executives - Research Paper Example It frames a significant part that prompts smooth finishing of the task that has been attempted. This is a significant order that is for the most part tended to by effective individuals they accept that the assessments and thoughts of these partners are especially productive for the general task advancement and in the lion's share cases prompts the accomplishment of the undertaking as opposed to disappointment. There are different reasons that lead to disappointment of a task; in any case, the factor that is thought about in this examination study is the correspondence factor. A viable correspondence stage and coordination are the most significant mainstays of partner the board. As the partners should know about each conceivable detail of the task with the goal that they can contribute towards such venture so it brings about a triumph. Online networking in the current situation isn't just limited inside Facebook, Twitter, and so on., yet it has demonstrated itself to be a gainful inst rument when there is a prerequisite to enhance the degree of correspondence among the colleagues and furthermore among the various partners who assume a significant job in the achievement or disappointment of an undertaking. There are different methodologies in web based life stage that helps in upgrading correspondence and applying such standards in a task assists with overseeing viably the partners, encourages better joint effort, useful for critical thinking. Online networking as a model causes a person to concentrate on how data is being shared, utilized and amassed.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Product Life Cycle Model Essay - 1375 Words

The Product Life Cycle Model (Essay Sample) Content: The Product Life Cycle ModelThe Product Life Cycle (PLC) has been a common phenomenon in both management and economic studies. The PLC theory stipulates that a firm that can easily forecast the change of the product from one stage to another can manage its sales revenue through adoption of appropriate marketing mix strategies. This will enable the organization to, effectively, integrate into the changing economy, and, in some cases, gain from better sales and increased profit outlay. The four stages that PLC Model attributes its philosophy includes introduction stage, growth stage, maturity stage, and decline stage. The model is alleged to be significant in business environment; however, some of the issues and applications are arguable. In any case, PLC Model occupies a key part in marketing and it is one of the fundamental variables that enhance formulation of business strategy (Meenaghan and Turnbull, 1978). Although some of the studies demonstrate the negative impa cts of PLC Model, the contemporary business entity should rely on PLC Model in order to realize effectiveness and strategic objectives.Managerial team in an organization need tools that can enable them to project the future trend of the company's activities, and PLC comes in handy. In the current chaotic and ever-changing economy, PLC model enables managers to estimate product directions on both micro and macro level, and enhances timely execution of its plan to combat potential competitors' moves. Being vested with relevant financial information and tools, the management, with the help of PLC model, can provide a clear financial and managerial report on the progression of past, current and future sales. The model provides a clear understanding on the past business events as a way of providing an interpretive and extrapolatory approach in developing a long-term strategy (Steinhardt, 2010). When the product strategy has been initiated, the PLC model can be relevant in validating the ongoing strategy as it shows the trends in the market, technological advancement, and customer issues. Organizations anticipate on emergence of competitors in the industry; thus, adequate preparation is relevant in order to strengthen the company's product position and to achieve large market share in the economy.Consequently, PLC Model has enabled the management in planning its long-term marketing strategies especially when the economies and markets are stable. However, most of the products normally become extinct due to technological advancement and hold no revenues. PLC will enable the organization to ascertain obsolete products in order to minimize usage of organization's resources on non-beneficial products. Through the combinations of various elements including sales volume, time, and the idea of radical stage, the model enables the determination of reasonable combinations in an attempt to mitigate dead products.The PLC model enables the organization to determine the cost of u ndertaking product development. Currently, product development has been a key feature in determining the profitability of the organization, and minimizing the cost outlay associated with this stage is crucial.PLC Model shows the cost associated with developing a product and the strategies that can be used to minimize the cost of developing the product. In addition, PLC Model assist managers to determine the revenue earned for the organization. With incumbent structure and reliable data on the sources of revenue for the organization, it is easy for the management to predict the revenue earned on its operations. Strategic goal for every organization is to maximize its revenue through minimization of cost outlay, and PLC Model will enable the organization to realize this goal (Lamb and Dunne, 2011).Apart from cost minimization and increase in revenue outlay, PLC Model is useful to management as it contributes to efficient marketing plan. It assists the management in fining the organiza tion's market through research and analysis of market trends, identify potential competitors and customers. PLC Model provides a platform in which the company can strategize on ways of keeping and attracting customers. Strategic marketing plan, facilitated by PLC model, will enable the organization to identify the kind of support that the product needs in the case where the product is at its infancy and declining stage, product redesigning strategies, whether the product is to be reinvigorated or not, and management's decision to withdraw the product from the organization (Steinhardt, 2011). Competition across the economy has fostered the management to undertake strategic marketing plan in order to safeguard its competitive advantage in the economy.Organization's cash flow can be managed when PLC Model is routinely monitored. Most of the operations can be ignored by the management when they handle the huge sales volume of the products; however, with PLC Model in place, forecasting o f cash flow will be vital in making investment decisions. Experienced managers know that managing the working cash flows is a demanding exercise. Most of the daily tasks of management arise from problems of achieving the timely supply of goods and services at the right level of quality to the business, and the problems of manufacturing the product right first time without quality defects. Both tasks have to be satisfactorily completed before delivery and invoicing can take place in turn resulting in cash flow from customers to the business (Saaksvuori and Immonen, 2008). In ascertaining the investment requirements of a business, PLC Model has been useful. However, the amount of business risk inherent in a particular business is affected by the nature and behavior of the working capital cycle.The timing of sales and costs, which characterizes PLC Model, enables an organization to improve its overall profitability. The model enables an organization to analyze the market trends, and fo cus its sales to the preferred target consumers. This ensures that the organization maximizes its resources. In addition, PLC Model is useful to the organization as it allocates resources to various products in the sector. When resources are located to different products, there is high possibility of increasing revenue outlay unlike when they are allocated to specific products in the organization. As such, the company would be assured of growth and exploit the available resources. As competitors enter the market during growth, each firm attempts to get larger share of the slower-growing market in the maturity stage. The sales of the industry continue to grow but at a decreasing rate; therefore, the need to establish a coherent PLC Model.However, despite the positive attributes on PLC Model, its disadvantages are clear in the way it operates. PCL Model is characterized by four stages; introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. Though the four life cycle stages are distinct, it is i mpossible to ascertain a given stage in the life of a product. Some of the products would ever remain in the growth stage, others in the maturity stage, while others will move directly from introduction to decline stage. According to Mukherjee (2010), the life time of a product will not necessarily have to pass through the product lifecycle stages rather it would depend on the market strategy of the company. In addition, the length of product life cycle stages cannot be ascertained, and the management cannot use the information provided by the PLC Model to forecasts on future market trends. Various products have different length of time, and the management cannot provide a clear data on the time framework in which the products can change from one stage to the other. This inhibits the planning strategy of the company. As such, the company needs to rely on the information from the customers and shareholders on the effectiveness of the product (Hesselbach and Her...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Family And Family Arrangements And Values - 1505 Words

From There to Here Family Is The Definition of family, is relative, no pun intended. It depends on your background and experiences. Family can be friends or blood relatives, it can mean many different things to everyone. But most importantly I think it means support, you should consider to be a part of your family anyone who supports the decisions that you make, and doesn’t judge you for them. This can include friends, and family. It’s important to decide for yourself what matters most to you, and to no longer rely on the outdated ideas of the past. Stephanie Coontz (2010) said â€Å"Family arrangements and values continue to differ by social class, religion, race, and ethnicity.† (p. 46) A Little Background I grew up poor but not destitute in rural East Texas. My father was the 3rd youngest in a family of eleven kids, my grandfather, Neal McDaniel was a cotton farmer, not long after my father was born in 1958 he quit farming and my grandma Thelma McDaniel went to work at a lumber factory. My father’s family was poor. However, my grandpa was able to purchase enough land to give each of his kids something to call their own, this is where I lived the first eighteen years of my life in a house that my father built. I am an only child. My father worked a laborious job as a roofer, for most of his life, while nursing a pretty mean alcohol and drug addiction. He no longer works, and is in worsening health but still has his vices. My mother grew up in Houston, a city girl,she had twoShow MoreRelatedLegal And Non Legal Responses1339 Words   |  6 Pagesissues relating to family law and evaluate the effectiveness of legal and non-legal responses to these issues In recent decades, there has been a shift in the definition of a family to better suit the new emerging alternative family arrangements in today’s society. A family is defined as the natural and fundamental group unit of society especially in relation to the upbringing of children. However, this Eurocentric, nuclear family construct has evolved as alternative family arrangements such as de-factoRead MoreDe Facto Relationships1529 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿De Facto Relationships 1. Identify and describe an alternative family arrangement you have chosen and how or why it is considered an ‘alternative family arrangement’. A de facto couple is an unmarried heterosexual or same sex couple. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Futsal Business Plan - 9711 Words

1. Company Overview 2.1 Business Description Company Name Sweat Planet Sdn Bhd Established Date 1 January 2011 Ownership Status General Partnership Type of Business Entertainment, Sports Event Management amp; Recreational Facilities Location PT 5517, Jalan BBN 1/1, Bandar Baru Nilai, 71800, Negeri Sembilan Company Logo Purpose: The main purpose of this business plan is for us to obtain additional capital from financial institution. Concept: This indoor sports facility will be equipped with 4 full international-sized Futsal courts made of artificial grass. This facility will also be equipped with lighting poles to enable evening and night play. Many value-added facilities will be provided to our customers such as, lockers, female†¦show more content†¦Our other objectives include: * To provide the best indoor soccer facilities to our customer, with specific emphasis on quality, customer service, satisfaction and value of money. * To launch a successful nationwide professional futsal league. * To introduce and manage annual futsal tournaments. * To introduce and manage feeder leagues for the nationwide league. 2.2 Company Ownership This company will be a general partnership owned by Ellynur Suhaili Sufri, May July August, Li Yue Rong, Wendy and Kenny. Figure 1: Organizational Chart 1.2.1 Tasks and responsibilities:- 1. Director - will be in charge in leading the company and the management team to achieve overall target and projection target. The leadership will emphasis on motivation 2. Marketing Manager - will be in charge in keeping Sweat Planet active and alive by doing promotions, advertising and also public awareness to make sure that the public is aware of our weekly and monthly activities and will try to focus on the current target market and plans to develop new and potential target market. These responsibilities also will allow Sweat Planet to educate the public about our futsal facilities and event management programs. 3. Sales Manager – will be in charge in making our income larger and larger. Her responsibilities will also allow her to do door-to-door sales, for example, making contract with universities orShow MoreRelatedBusiness Plan on Indoor Sports Complex5579 Words   |  23 Pagesdocument.] 2013 3/28/2013 TabTable of Contents 1.1 Business Model 7 1.1.1 Company Overview 7 1.1.3 Objectives 8 1.1.4 Mission 8 1.1.5 Vision 8 What is Futsal? 8 1.1.6 Facilities 9 1.1.7 SERVICES 10 1.1.8 Pitch 10 1.1.9 Sports Store 10 1.1.10 Food Court 10 1.2.1 Concept: 11 1.2.2 Location 11 1.2.3 Management 12 Company Ownership 12 1.2.4 Personnel 12 2 The marketing Plan 13 2.1 Market Analysis Summary 13 2.2 Market Segmentation 14 ConsumerRead MoreSwot Analysis : Nike s Shoes1339 Words   |  6 Pagesembedded in Nike s piece of the pie. Questionably, Nike is the main games attire and Footwear Company and the main brand over the globe. Hence, it can effectively advertise the tennis shoes in its current business sector. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Spare parts Essay Example For Students

Spare parts Essay We have ah billion Hong Kong dollars worth of spare parts on our shelves. Managing these spare parts effectively is instrumental in ensuring the efficient operations of our airline. This presents a significant challenge to the engineering department. Robert Taylor, manager of inventory operations, Cathy Pacific A profitable and financially sound commercial airline, Cathy Pacific Airways Limited had every reason to be proud. It was voted Airline of the Year in the orals largest passenger poll, conducted by Ashtray Research in 2005, and named Airline of the Year by Air Transport World magazine in 2006. 2 However, there an operational pain that continued to bother Cathy Pacific. In March 2007, Robert Taylor, manager of inventory operations, and Paul Bar-well, manager of procurement of aircraft components and maintenance, were requested to head up a task force to optimism the supply chain management of spare parts operations at Cathy Pacific. Aviation spare parts constituted a significant expense in Cathy Pacifisms financial statements. From the balance sheet respective, as of December 2005, the total inventory value of all aviation spare parts amounted to over IIS$350 million. Dead and inactive stock accounted for 3% per annum and avgas an issue to manage with care due to obsolescence and unpredictable demand patterns. Supply chain management for aviation spare parts was complex because Of the need to ensure timely service availability of a huge variety of stock and to comply with stringent quality and regulatory requirements. Company interview on 25 July 2007. For details, see Cathy Pacifisms website: http://paw. . Catholicity. Com. Karen Lee and Jonathan Pelvis prepared this case under the supervision of Benjamin Yen for class discussion. This case is not intended to show effective or ineffective handling to decision or business processes. C 2009 by The Asia Case Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong, No part fifths publication may he reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise (including the the permission of The University of Hong Kong. Ref. 09/ICC Aviation Spare Parts Supply Chain Management Optimization at Cathy Pacific Airways Limited 9/ICC A bolt for a desk chair costs a dollar. The same bolt for a chair on an airplane would cost 30 dollars. It is that magnitude of difference. Everything for an aircraft is massively expensive. Paul Barbell, manager of procurement, Cathy Pacific The challenge for the management team was to explore alternatives for optimizing spare parts supply chain management and instigate process improvement. The Aviation Spare parts Industry Managing spare parts in the aviation industry had always been a challenge for airline operators because the aviation supply chain was unusually complicated. The aviation industry avgas regulated by international and local authorities such as the LOS Federal Aviation Administration (PAPA), the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASE) and the Civil Aviation Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Mechanics certified by the PAPA were required to check all non-deferrable repairs before a planes departure and verify that all regulations were met. In addition, the had the authority to ground a plane airline operators did not complete the deferrable repairs Within the stipulated timeshare. 4 All suppliers Of airplane spare parts were squired to possess special legal certifications and formal protocols, which were stipulations that indicated assumption of responsibility in case of an accident. Turnaround time for repairs was critical, as highlighted by measurable and non. Measurable costs. In addition to standard passenger compensation for flight delays such as hotel accommodation, it cost ISSUE per minute to keep an aircraft on the runway-5 Moreover, there existed a risk that customers might be upset or even shift to other airlines if delays caused them to lose their connecting flights. Therefore the cost to aircraft delays was a key decision making element in engineering, Aviation spare parts themselves were also expensive and complex. To illustrate, the average cost to an engine was LIST$12 million and comprised thousands components and assemblies ranging from nuts and bolts to ten thousands. In addition to manufacturing expenses, the high costs were attributed to regulatory and testing requirements of spare parts for reliability. The variability of airplane spare parts, coupled with the sporadic nature of demand for aircraft maintenance repair parts, made spare parts demand forecasting more difficult, necessitating increased manpower. Buyers Market The carrying costs for aviation spare parts inventory were relatively expensive. Future demands for spare parts were made based on maintenance information, scheduled maintenance plans and past usage patterns such as flying hours or parts demand. However, the usage pattern Of Spare parts remained highly unpredictable because of the high level of demand variability. It was reported that 30% Of the inventory Of a traditional airline was active, another 30% was slow-moving but necessary to have on hand and the remaining 40% was dead stock. 6 It was estimated that the airline industry spent over CASSIS billion per ear on spare parts, of which 10% came from airlines and overhaul agencies pre- owned stocks. 7 The value of spare engines for major airlines was estimated at over US$11 billion and the 3 SHCOON, M. ND Pat-Cornell, E. (2000) Delays and Safety in Airline Maintenance, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 67 (3), up. 301-309. Company interview on AS July 2007. Harrington, L, (2007) From Just in Case to Just in Time, Air Transport World, 44 up. 77-80. 7 Doug, B. (2000) Spares Apart, Aerospace International, 27 (6), up. 14-17. 4 09/ICC overall value of spare parts stored by the airline industry had increased from IIS$45 billion in 1995 to US$C billion in 2002, of which was owned by airline operators. Aircraft components were complex, high-level modules consisting of dozens or hundreds of parts. The life span of a component could exceed two decades, during which it might be repaired or overhauled more than a dozen times. These issues, combined with aviation authority requirements such as certification and traceability and issues of reliability and safety, increased the cost of obtaining and keeping aviation spare parts. Since the majority tooth inventory value in the aviation supply chain was tied up in spare components, hey represented the primary target for inventory value reduction. Suppliers Market Similar to any other industry, price and quality were two major determining factors for airline operators in evaluating their spare parts suppliers. As a result of tight aviation regulations, airline operators, as customers, were constrained in supplier selection Moreover, there were situations that were dominated by a single supplier, as with parts solely supplied by an original equipment manufacturer (MEMO)_ Memos were companies who were original manufacturers of a component for a product that might be resold by another company. The limited choice and high concentration of Memos limited airline operators negotiation power. Unlike consumable products, the criticality of the engine and the long usable life Of an aircraft had contributed to Strong resistance among airline operators to switch engine spare parts suppliers. Moreover, there was limited room to negotiate after an aircraft was purchased; the purchaser was now dependent on the Memos products. Because Of tight regulations and dependence on Memos, seeking alternative suppliers was a challenge for Cathy Pacific 10 The suppliers market was concentrated in a handful of aerospace conglomerates, including Goodrich Corporation and Honeywell Aerospace. This was very much unlike the car industry, in which Volvo could choose from a number of suppliers to purchase a new engine for a new car. Joint purchasing activities amongst airline alliances to influence procurement processes were also likely to be opposed for anti-trust reasons. Joint purchasing activities pursued by airline alliances were deemed as similar actions undertaken by a conglomerate trying to influence the supply market. Strict regulations were in place, in countries like Australia, to govern the extent of joint purchasing activities allowed, II High School Journalism: Breaking The Barriers EssayCritical components were parts that were essential to operating an aircraft safely and effectively, They could make the difference between a safe landing and a mid;r catastrophe. These parts were usually very expensive and complex. An example of a critical component the USES million Electronic Engine Controller 17. Nan-critical components encompassed all parts of the plane that were not essential to the effective and safe operation of an airplane. There was a diverse range of Nan-critical components, from in-flight entertainment systems to nuts and bolts. Expendables and consumables qualified as non-critical components in the majority of cases. Nevertheless, there were instances where these types of parts were considered critical components, such as a dowel required to keep a table part in operational form. The critical and non-critical dimension could be applied to all five classes of materials . 18 Current Practices in Aviation Spare Parts Supply Chain Management The spare parts supply chain operations at Cathy Pacific flowed from procurement and inventory management to repair management and logistics management. Cathy Pacifisms internal supply chain strategy had been driven by ensuring quality and service to the aircraft operation in the most cost efficient manner. Procurement The supply chain of spare parts at Cathy Pacific was a very complex, large-scale operation with thousands of suppliers and distributors. Aviation spare parts were handled and directly purchased by Cathy Pacific. The purchasing activities were transaction-orientated, from sourcing and storage to consumption and repurchase. Cathy Pacifisms procurement process could be triggered by normal replenishment, initial provisioning or special provisioning . In line with the nature of the business, Cathy Pacific had to ensure that adequate airworthy spare parts were available at all times. In addition to purchasing activities, the procurement process involved Cathy Pacifisms cross-functional names in selecting, monitoring, evaluating and managing relationships with part providers to ensure operational effectiveness Key performance indicators were set as quantifiable objective measures to assess the quality and the performance of the parts. Some of these measures included average and variance Of lead time, quality levels and component performance. The airline industry had very few choices for critical parts component suppliers. Moreover, the sensitive nature Of these critical parts limited Cathy Pacifies ability to switch suppliers because of the significant costs associated With switching. There was a greater level flexibility for non-critical spare parts, with over 200 consumables and expendables suppliers. This, however, had, consumed much Of Cathy Pacifisms resources in managing supplier relationships. An electronic engine controller is used to monitor and control the operation of the engine Cathy Pacific (1 May 2006) Engineering Procedure Manual Inventory Operations Volume AAA, Company presentations, Aviation Spare parts Supply Chain Management Inventory Management Inventory management for Cathy Pacific is determining the right quantity of spare parts and material at the right time and at the right place to meet anticipated and unanticipated demands to maintain aircraft operations at the desired service level at the optimal costs Engineering Procedure Manual, Cathy Pacific Monitoring of stock turnover, which was an indicator of the efficiency of stock management, was thus an integral component Of Cathy Pacifisms inventory management process. Timely stock replenishments were needed once reorder points were reached. An extensive system, Ultramarine, was in place for management of components replacements and newly acquired spare parts [see Exhibit 6 and 7). Cathy Pacific also needed to minimize inventory holding costs. In theory, an exhaustive inventory was needed to reach a service level that could satisfy all the possible demand of its aircraft, Because this was financially and operationally infeasible, Cathy Pacific had to operate in the most economically responsible way and strike a balance between the most effective inventory levels to hold on to relative to the corresponding service level. To guard against the risk and cost of prolonged downtime, Cathy Pacific normally built in a buffer stock and, as a result, additional cost was incurred to engineering operation in general. Despite Cathy Pacifisms efforts to manage their spare parts inventory in an optimal manner, they still encountered circumstances where a certain part was needed and no stock Vass available. Coping with such a situation was referred to as shortage management. Shortage management avgas a process of sourcing parts that, for one reason or another, were unavailable to meet the expected demands. 19 When Cathy Pacific required a spare part immediately and none avgas readily available, they explored several options to meet the urgent need: ; Aircraft-on- ground (AGO) orders were employed in situations where a Cathy Pacific plane as grounded and could not take Off Without a certain part. When an AGO order was placed, the part would be shipped via same-day express delivery. ; Cathy Pacific could retrieve the necessary spare part by borrowing it from another airline. ; Pool loans were another way Cathy Pacific was able to manage part shortages. By signing a contract with the International Airline Technical Pool, Cathy Pacific was granted access to a network of over 100 airlines with which they could share spare parts when in need without incurring a surcharge. ; Cathy could also borrow a part from one of its other aircraft. Repair On average, Cathy Pacific managed over 80,000 repair orders per year, or over 7,000 repair orders per month. 0 After determining whether tautly parts were repairable or not, Cathy Pacific had to determine whether their existing repairers had both the required capability as well as necessary capacity to repair the full range of components installed on its aircraft. To this end, Cathy Pacific compiled a database of over 300 of the worlds major airplane spare part repair shops. Repair shops were selected based on the types of spare parts the shop specialized in, quality, price and service level. In 2000, Cathy Pacific collaborated with 13 other airlines to develop Arrogance, a system designed to facilitate the sharing and exchange of information, such as repairer sourcing, 19 Company interview on IS December 2006. Company interview on 15 December 2006. Between the participating airlines . Intimation such as the types of spare parts availability and suppliers lists was available through the Arrogance program, Cathy Pacific forecasted future demand for components on projected fleet utilization and an individual components life cycle, However, his only represented part of the picture as the method lacked the ability to forecast demand arising from unscheduled removals, which counted for nearly of all removals. Logistics Management Given that appropriate quality and quantity of inventory was available and that the inventory was processed and repaired accordingly, effective supply chain management was dependent on effective logistics management. Logistics management in this context was the practice Of minimizing the duration and number of processes required to transport spare parts from one place to another. Cathy Pacifies logistics management arm was responsible for managing the shipment of ordered inventory from warehouse to airplane as well as to and from the repair centers. In order to reduce lead times, Cathy Pacific usually shipped parts individually between repair houses and Cathy Pacific hubs. However, in order to minimize costs, Cathy Pacific consolidated shipments of spare parts that were less sensitive to lead times. In Australia, for example, a fixed import tax was charged on every shipment. Cathy Pacific would therefore weigh the time and costs associated with allowing several spare parts to be accumulated for the purpose of consolidating them into one shipment. Cathy pacific outsourced to third-party logistics companies to transport their unserviceable parts to various repair houses across the globe.